First of all, I am in charge of the Transfer Packets. This is a plastic bag for each area (85 of 'em) with the forms, planners, Transfer News, and Ensign/Liahonas that the missionaries will need for the next six weeks. A couple of weeks before the bags need to be "stuffed" I compile all the forms. One morning there were a couple of elders in the office with nothing to do so I recruited their help! It was the fastest counting and sorting I'd ever seen because those young guys turned it in to a competition. Speed and accuracy!! and the winner is......
On the morning of Transfers the President, Sister Poulsen and the Assistants pick up the incoming missionaries at the SAF MTC (which is just through the door from our office). I tag along in the background to keep things going smoothly and to try to keep everyone on schedule. Pictures are taken outside and then the elders hurrying to the chapel(which is also in our compound)for orientation.
Then off with the luggage to the orientation meeting where the office couples get to take a few minutes to introduce ourselves. President wants the missionaries to know that we are "real people". If Elder H and I fail to tell them about our long distance bike riding President reminds us. He has even asked the missionaries "Any of you ride bikes? What's the farthest you've ridden? The Henrichsens will tell you what a REAL bike ride is". So that opens up a fun connection with them.
And after the orientation there are three hours for President interviews and orientation from the office staff relating to medical,flats,cars, post,finances, etc. etc. I'm sure by the end of the day everything is a blur. (hopefully a happy one)
Elder H is in charge of lunch and it's pizza and cold drink (soda) for all the new missionaries and their trainers.
Then the big Transfer/Departure meeting at 1:00 with testimonies and sometimes, parents here to pick up their missionary. It is a Fabulous day of activity, inspiration, and exhaustion! Just thought you'd like to know.
We really do love it!!
It was fun to see how you do things in SA. You two are a boon to the mission. Take care!